Widespread software piracy has made this system necessary.
When you click “Start Search” or “Download” the first time, ezGroups will try to verify your email address with our authorization servers at techsono.com and techsono2.com. This usually takes less than a second. The servers are at different locations and you only need to be authorized by one of them. So, if there is a glitch somewhere on the internet, or one of the servers is down, the other server will authorize you.
If you have a firewall, you may need to configure it to allow access to techsono.com.
After a failed authorization, you will have to restart ezGroups.
If you still have problems, go into your ezGroups folder, open the file named “auth-debug.txt”, copy the text into an email, and send it to the address on the Support page. Also include the email address and registration key that you have entered into the ezGroups.